
March 15th, 2012 - REOCCUPY EVERYTHING ! ! !

Occupy 2.0 is local protest on a global level. On March 15th, the Ides of March, if all goes according to plan, there will be a coordinated day of protest where each physical location does what it can to promote the cause and stand for global change.

Your mission if you choose to accept it is to join this event, promote this event, plan for this event, organize your local community to act, execute, and then work towards making this happen . . .

Facebook has been killing this event on 'THEIR' website. The first creation of this event on facebook had 2,500 people going, 400 maybes, 16,000 invited. The event was in 2 dozen countries, 7 languages were spoken, and had more than a dozen admins. Facebook Just Killed It ! Apparently Facebook doesn't want to see a global change or a global protest ! ! !

The US government is passing laws to indefinitely detain you, and are now creating laws to strip US citizens of citizenship. Things are not ok. Things are in fact very bad. We need to rise up and show them their actions are intolerable, and continue to push peaceful resistance to create the change we all so desperately need . . .

Do What You Can, Where You Can . . .
Keep It Local ! Help Make It Global ! ! !

JOIN NOW ! ! !

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